White Sox vs. Cubs

Rachel Marsh
6 min readSep 23, 2022

The downside of living in Chicago is the cold winters, the crime, the pizza that’s way too thick, people smoking on the train sometimes, and the critical decision every resident has to make about which baseball team to follow.

Being from Richmond, I’ve never had to choose sides on something like this; there, you either A) were a Flying Squirrels fan or B) had a life.

But now that I live in Chicago, I’m just not sure whether I should support the Cubs or the White Sox.

Never one to make a reckless decision, especially when it comes to something this important, I went to one game each this summer in order to give them both a fair chance at earning my support.

Part 1: Buying the Tickets

They make you do that if you want to watch the game.

The White Sox

Tickets were like $10 or something.

The Cubs

Tickets were like $70 or something.

Part 2: Buying the Hat

I wanted to get an affiliate baseball hat so I could show my support for the team I might soon be a huge fan of.

The Cubs

I picked among one of the dozens of professional merchandise booths outside the stadium and bought a cool Cubs hat so everyone would think I belonged here in Chicago and didn’t just move here like less than a year ago or whatever.

